Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Anorexia Takes Hold in India

BBC News - Jill McGivering , BBC Asia analyst

Most people in India struggle to get enough to eat - one estimate is that 60% of India's women are clinically malnourished.

But psychiatrists in urban areas are reporting cases of anorexia nervosa, the so-called slimming disease that can cause sufferers to starve themselves to death... finish reading article

Eating Disorder Hope India Blog Launched

Welcome to the new Eating Disorder Hope India blog! Thank you for checking us out! There is not enough information available online for those suffering from anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder in India. Yet we receive many visitors to our Eating Disorder Hope website from India. So, the Eating Disorder Hope India blog and Eating Disorder Hope India page has been launched.

We found precious few, loosely based stats(extrapolated-highly unreliable, particularly in 3rd world countries) indicating that of the estimated 1,065,070,607 people in India, it is estimated that 7,455,494 suffer from binge eating disorder. 1,065,070 are estimated to struggle with anorexia, and 5,857,888 are estimated to suffer from bulimia. If these numbers are even remotely close to the real picture, there is a big need for eating disorder resources and information in India.

If you know of any relevant articles, organizations or treatment centers, please contact Eating Disorder Hope at: and help us increase the resources available online to those living in India.